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Saturn in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus

The Old vs The New

Upon the new cycles beginning in 2020. Specifically, the Jupiter/Pluto conjunctions (three in total) and the Jupiter/Saturn joining on Dec 21st, 2020. We find ourselves launched into new areas of realization.

The first cycle between Jupiter/Pluto merging began the expansion of new ways of doing business or building business. Along with Saturn’s first emergence into Aquarius, we encountered social distancing. Pushing us to realize different ways of connecting outside the physical realms. The energy starts to create an expansion of possibilities. Pluto continues to breakdown the old traditional ways. Bringing to the surface and exposing the old corruption beneath.

The Jupiter/Saturn new cycle will lift us forward due to the Great Mutation arriving in Aquarius within this cycle. The 200-year cycle in the Air Element will raise us into new expectations, community-based connections, and new social paradigms. Spinning a new web of technologies and inventions to emerge.

Saturn is a major player in the year unfolding. As he is setting up new shifts of realizations of how we view the world. He is restructuring how we interconnect with one another on a global scale. Introducing new ways of dealing with earth’s problems, such as environmental concerns, technological usages, while trying to maintain a sense of realism and common sense. He is beginning to build a new form of business. Working from home and perhaps giving us more personal freedoms through the Aquarius energy. The business buildings could become an obsolete dinosaur, while models begin to appear of group based working teams versus the boss and employee structures. We are moving horizontally versus vertically in how we function. The concept of controlled, 9-5 systems can be thrown out the window. This will push the ideas of independent working. How we learn is shifting from sitting for long periods in a desk to learning at your own pace, through internet and interconnections with our environments. Communal living, advancements in electrical grids, internet services, motor vehicles, space travel, alien connections, travel and communication is being overhauled. Teamwork, & joint learning practices. The world is changing as the boundaries and parameters of how we functioned are now moving. The old systems are being dismantled however slowly to deal with the waves of innovation emerging.

The Saturn in Aquarius square (90-degree angle) from Uranus in Taurus is another energy, which will assist us in breaking down in order to breakthrough to some of these new realizations. The world is constantly evolving, changing, and working towards a higher greater creative energy. Yet, we fight to either maintain the status quo or we fight to release ourselves from it. Chaos and dysfunction are the result of this fight between the old ways and the new. For most of us, it simply is an inability to understand and work within these new realms. We don’t understand them.

Saturn is lord of tradition. He knows that it is necessary to learn something before we venture off and begin doing it. Training to become a pilot or councilor. It takes dedication, adherence to protocols and procedures. He first entered the sign of Aquarius on the 22nd of March 2020. Bringing on the onset of social distancing, rules and regulations related to the pandemic of Covid-19. Yet the door opened to connecting with larger groups through the various social platforms appeared. New possibilities began to emerge due to internet connections. The world begins to open to the lone individual business, with tentacles of connections to others. It was at this juncture we found ourselves separated from what we perceived as the usual freedoms and routines of yesteryear. He then re-entered Aquarius on Dec 17th, 2020 and rode the waves into the dawn of a new element on Dec 21st along with Jupiter. Once again highlighting the on-going limitations presented at the earlier restrictions of March. Preparing us for the coming Age.

As we enter 2021, time is moving along. We hope and wish to return to the old ways and back to life as usual. However, we are really riding the air as we barrel into a new future. Uranus is now in Taurus. He arrived in March of 2019 and will remain in this sign till April of 2026. He finds his movements less functional here due to his Fall position. This can make the energy of Uranus debilitated in some manner. He could often feel ignored or not taken seriously, forcing him to take extreme action to get his point across. We seen this in the storming of the Capitol building in January of 2021. He will push for equality, independence, and personal rights of whatever he deems is worth the effort of doing so.
The cycle between Saturn and Uranus began in 1988, ushering in a new set of parameters. This cycle is waning down. This brought in the formation of the internet, producing radical shifts in society as new technologies began to emerge within life. Uranus is about future possibilities. It ignites us passionately as we see things from a new perspective. We began the dawn of a new way of interacting within the world. Shifting the boundaries of how we function within life. Saturn at this time, began to build the skeleton of what we now know as the computers and phones with the usage of the internet and how we function today in our daily lives.

These two planets of energy do not blend well under the best of circumstances. Both represent Father figures and will face off with each other’s energy in 2021. According to mythology, Uranus was Saturn’s (Cronus) father. Uranus had taken to wife Gaia (Mother Earth) falling upon her every night and mated with her. Uranus was the sky God. They produced several children, but Uranus did not like them and would eventually imprison his younger children in Tartarus. Cronus is the Earth God, governing the ability to set boundaries, use cautious stern disciplinary approaches to move forward. Gaia stricken with grief, fashioned a flint blade sickle and asked her son Cronus to castrate his father. Which he did, splattering his blood upon the Sea. (Wikipedia) Ironically, Saturn’s position in the sky, seems to stand between his father and mother.
The connection between these two energies is the prime focus of 2021’s energies. They will collide at a 90-degree angle, indicating there is a problem emerging which needs a corrective stance. We are at a turning point, a crossroads which requires us to make decisions going forward. Their first square arrives on February 17th, 2021. They then reverse directions and reconnect in retrograde motion on June 14th, 2021. Joining for their final direct hit on Dec 24th, 2021. These two are slower moving planets. This causes the energy to slowly manifest and can have a broader imprint upon us. This can take many years as it breaks down the dysfunctional systems we now view as the norm.

This will begin a strenuous journey, as we transverse long held grudges and commitments we’ve assigned ourselves too over the years. Saturn represents father time, endurance, structure, and comfortably at times. The status quo. Uranus seeks to free these limiting viewpoints and structural ways. Releasing us from our limitations to see something beyond ourselves. Uranus is also ruling Aquarius, as does Saturn, so there is a need to break free and perhaps rebuild a system of governorship, which will work for everyone.

This will produce a great deal of disruptions to emerge. The square aspect was close at hand, last year when Saturn entered Aquarius. Producing the Hong Kong protests and the Black Lives Matter groups. We will continue with these disparities of opinions, liberties, and rights issues as we find ourselves sailing through 2021. Discontent against those who are positions of defeat, lowly or unfortunate circumstances against those seen as in positions of power, authority and holding vast amounts of wealth, which can devalue others.

This can produce an amount of chaos as we battle the forces of perceived confinement, structure, and boundaries within the values of democracy and independence. Uranus will push for freedom through these radical revolutionary energies, while Saturn will seek to maintain control and order through rules, regulations, and laws. We can find ourselves divided between two camps. Those who believe this is for the benefit of the country, community, or world and those who seek it as a breach of their constitutional rights as they break the value of those rights. I suppose it depends on if it will be affecting you or not as to your reaction.

We can feel justified in accepting some concepts of radicalism and change. In fact, we may believe we are forward thinking individuals, but we quickly draw the line in the sand of who or what is a necessary shift of the line. We can find we are not willing to cross certain lines. Perhaps out of fear or protection of our own personal limits or others. This aspect can shift us into two camps and on two different sides of the line. The old ways and maintaining the status quo, or the new ways and the introduction of equality, equal rights, and unification if seen as out of balance. The new way often takes courage, new perspectives and is chaotic by nature. Whenever we introduce new things into the social patterns and structures of things, it can produce a great deal of chaos and fear. Such was the case with the civil war in America.

Individually you can deem or consider yourself to be radical. But it’s a chose of what things you choose to be radical with, and often will favor the status quo in a general sense. You can seem to be comfortable with the stability that structure takes, if it’s in the best interests of the public at large. Adhering to the laws and regulatory systems if they don’t interfere with your usual patterns of life. However, if your radical, your radical. Visualizing the world through a different lens then the rest of people. The rebel, the one who doesn’t listen to policies. Viewing them as an infringement on their rights. And then what’s next? They push the limits of authority and stomps on the constrictions of norm. Radical is not change, but it produces change. We can have structure change, and even sudden change that doesn’t produce really anything different. A move, a new husband, new job. Rebellious situations or radical can produce far reaching shifts to take place which affect large portions of society at large. Radical, views things from a different perspective.

Personally, this can be a scary trip. Disruptive forces can force your perspective to shift and to dismantle the boundaries within your life to move in a certain direction. As governments can be forcing changes through new regulatory systems for the betterment of the entire population, which can bring out the rebellious energy within many of us. There is an edginess to things... Events can begin to transpire which throws us over the edge. Pushes us hard against the status quo, in order to drive us forward into a new awakening of realizations. The world is often designed to initiate chaos and struggle into the equation to move forward into a new dawning of realization. The lines begin to move, change, and shift. Uranus seeks to eliminate divisions. Saturn seeks to create structured organization. This will force many of us to make hard decisive decisions about our future.

Snap decision can or might have to be made, where suddenly things are no longer working as they once did. Things don’t add up, and conflict ensues to seek some sort of justification to the order of things. The problem is solved through innovation and invention. Necessity is the mother of invention after all.

A sudden event can transpire, due to the high energy level of Uranus and the steadfast determination of Saturn. The collision these two makes can be far reaching in their effects. Crisis can be the underlying manifestation which disrupts the flow of order and stability.

Taurus, which is now housing Uranus, rules the economic and financial sectors. We can find instability within these areas of life in 2021. Taurus is also about what we value. What is worth fighting for. If your losing your house, valuables and or land, you’re up for the fight. Monetary gain has and remains at this juncture a huge part of our lives. Affecting our relationships, partnerships and how we feel about ourselves in general. Freedom has often been associated with vast amounts of wealth. To do what ever we want, whenever we want. The Taurus influence can be radicalized in changing what we value, and feel is worth the effort to attain.

Pluto has been adding to the debt loads of the countries due to the crisis of COVID-19. This square between Saturn and Uranus can signal a need to shift directions within the economic world situation. Values of money or material possessions will begin to shift within this aspect emerging. Inflation, and the value of the monetary system is thrown out of balance. Uranus can bring to the forefront some of this disparity and to expose the stark reality of things.

This begins to stir the pot of discontent within the systems. Political and social structures begin to falter and perhaps begin the process of death, pushing us to revolutionize a new social order and structure of living. A new order to things, as we expose things for what they are. This has been coming for a while. The 1% against the other 99%. No longer can we work hard, gain, and achieve recognition as was present within the earth elements reign.

Saturn will drive hard to maintain the status quo, and if you are one of the fortunate one’s who sit in a position of your own power, you will want to stay there. What if, the lower classes are demanding their fair share, and you must give up a portion of your worth to level the playing field? Which side do you find yourself on now?

Ironically, this aspect can produce hardship, depression, and struggle. The balance is hard to initiate. The fight for individual rights and freedoms is often hard to accept, as was the shifting of social views when Women sought the vote. There is a struggle, a hardship and often certain individuals must relent their lives to bring about these significant changes to come forth.

This is an unpredictable energy, which can bring civil unrest, terrorist activities and radicalism to present itself. An old social order is giving way to new parameters. New lines in the sand and new boundaries to form. The restrictive forces within Saturn, seeks to hold the line, while Uranus says move it. Unexpected reactions to such volatile energy can be fought with strong platforms of resistance.

The good news is, we are moving forward. We are beginning to realize that we need a new way of viewing things. Various things begin to be introduced, which can create a new structure to emerge and a new way of interrelating within the system.

New technologies begin to arise

Space exploration and discoveries emerge

Advancements in the sciences

New internet services

Innovation and Inventions develop

Structural changes in business models

Currencies move to a new format. Changes to the monetary systems.

Environmental shifts and Farming practices are developed. Food and the distribution of changes.

Robotics emerges

New forms of travel and transportation models make advancements

New structural models of living and community connections> communal living

Creativity begins to rise.

Whenever we are shifting from one parameter to the next and hopefully going up and forward versus down and backwards. We can find ourselves in the mist of the unknowing and fearful of how this is going to work. Societal and social reforms are emerging, which throw the order of how we function in disarray and chaos. The suppression of some within social norms and the oppression of others is coming to the forefront once again. One can find that you are in the resistance camp and others in the revolutionary camp. Perhaps we as a social order will turn against the structures that govern us. The governments, the judicial systems, the large business owners, the law or policing, the taxation systems. The control that we are being held into a place without our willingness to do so can be viewed in a radical way. We actually can be thrown all into the same level playing field as what happened in the 1930’s when Uranus was last in Taurus.

Uranus seeks to awaken us to our reality. Shake us up and bring us to attention. What we believed was true can now shift our realizations of life as we knew it. When you can no longer keep your head down, you must look up and see what’s around you. We can be thrown into the mix of numerous energies and be thrown around like we’re in a washing machine. We must be prepared to be awake for the process of cleansing our society and clearing out what is no longer functional or reasonable. Corruption and dysfunction are at an all time high, for the purpose of gain in one form of the other. Financial, status, recognition, or a determination to be right. We must check ourselves, determine if it is necessary to punish or suppress others to suit our own goals, aspirations, or agenda’s.

It’s important that you are aware of this slow energy. We can find we have difficulty within the airline industry, as we are seeing now. Accidents or explosions can rock our worlds. Difficulty with the internet or other older technologies emerge. Hacking and cyber attacks are likely. Problems within the electrical systems as old systems snap and break. Earthquakes can also become more prevalent. Travel restrictions can be put into place. Immigration issues emerge. Boarder difficulties and actuality of shifting boarders with countries.

On a personal level, this can be very disruptive. Causing a vast amount of energy to be implemented in a specific place within life. A real focus begins to emerge, where you are super charged, against a formidable force of possible restrictions or authoritative energy. Both planets don’t’ give up easily and one wonders which will essentially win. If either of them does. You could feel like you are stretched with a vast amount of pressure and tension building. You can find, you are not sleeping well, agitated, grumpy and out of sorts. Things are not flowing well and many of you can feel like just throwing your hands in the air and walking away. If you can do this. You may feel anxious, depressed, and controlled by outside forces. If you are in the grips of some sort of authoritative energy, you can be sure the deck seems stacked against you and you find yourself doing radical things in order to establish the balance one again. The good news is things can be revealed in such a shocking manner it can set your teeth to chattering, but at least you know exactly where you stand. It’s a hard thing to maintain the status quo if you are in this camp, to the limitations and regulations presented. It can become depressive, due to the limiting achievements or results of your actions. If you decide to stick with the course of things, some good results can be seen. Time will of course tell.

Taurus of course will be the most significant sign impacted by this energy along with Aquarius. Those born in late January and Early February will be impacted the most through the Aquarius energy. Change is at hand. Disruptions, revolutionary forces impact Taurus, as Aquarius individuals can rise to a position of status or power but can fall from grace if they are not honorable and integrity based.

Those born in late April or early May are impacted through the Taurus energy, and are prone to disruptive forces either by their own design or by influences within the community or authoritative disruptions. Rebellious energy is at hand.

Those who are born in late July and early August with the Leo energy are influenced by the T-square formation, which can make things fall apart easily in life. Relationships are under pressure, as others seek some freedom from obligations. It’s very unstable and can be hard to maintain your directives. Sudden shifts are materializing through forces most likely out of your control. It would be wise to look after your health.
Those born in late October and early November can also see disruptions happening within life due to the instability of the T-square. It will be hard for you to relent and give up, even when you are up against formidable odds. It would be best to gauge your direction and determine if it’s worth the fight.

All these signs need to be aware of their health. Implementing what you feel is necessary to improve your stamina and energy.

The other signs are less impacted, but it depends on where the square lands within your own personal charts. This is a general brief overview
Aries seems to fair better due to the sextile emerging, which will bring some opportunities to bear. It will be easy for you to see what’s coming ahead of it’s time and capitalize on such things. This is a time of growth.

Gemini has a lot of support form community and social groups as the energy flows positively towards you with this aspect. This can assist your forward if you recognize this positive energy and don’t sit back and do nothing. Growth is also indicated

Cancer individuals can see some nice opportunities to break free from numerous restrictive forces they find themselves in, which open new doors of possibilities, which come about unexpectedly. Adjustments will have to be made to please others and you might have to give more then you receive.

Virgo also will see sudden awakenings and some financial gains. Romance can be in the air, with the possibility of children’s influences rising to the forefront. Your ready to take a risk, so be ready when the moment arises. You will have to recognize social norms and seek some resolution and compromise with others.

Libra, as usual will find this energy rather fun, with more social connections being made. Friends will begin to emerge in the life and activities will be on the rise. You don’t like the disruptive forces as you are always seeking peaceful resolution, but you may stand your ground on several issues.

Sagittarius is feeling clearer of their direction and will possibly be detaching form those who are not in your court or supporting your journey. New friends and associations are being realized though as you join forces with others. Support is at hand.

Capricorn will need to stay the course and develop new strategies for advancements. It’s an evolving journey and would do well to change it up a bit in order to make progress. If you change you will see nice rewards within your life.

Pisces is being challenge by others to see a different point of view other then their own. If you see the other side of the coin, you will make huge strides in gaining the support you so need. Opportunities comes in the most shocking fashion so be prepared to seize it when it arrives. You are all for the changes arriving through this aspect.

This Waning square will end in Gemini in the year 2032.

Change is at hand. I wish you all the best as we transition through from 2020 to 2024 and beyond. If you need to revolt, state your independence, or defend your stance. Hold onto the energy and don’t release the flow. Know your battles and pick them wisely.

If you seek to maintain the status quo, recognize you will be faced with oppositions, challenged, and pressured to do the right thing. You will need to be of utmost integrity and honesty to hold this position. One slip and it can be a fall from grace. Your reputation and what you value can shift with the changing tides. Be responsible if nothing else.

The Tower Card is at hand, be prepared.


Spiritual Journey with Colleen Jorgensen


  1. To all the astrologers out there and the numerous articles presented thus far.
  2. To those who map the planets journeys, so we know their connections.
  3. To those who read these articles and journey with us within astrology and beyond
  4. To those who take the time to adhere to life’s plan unfolding.
  5. To the artist or photographer who visualizes these energies through their dedication to creativity and inspire us all with their art.