June 4-11th, 2023
Tumbler Ridge: Northern British Columbia.
There is limited space for this retreat: 8 people.
Transportation to and from event is the individuals responsibility. Flights into Grand Prairie through Air Canada and Westjet are available with someone picking you up at the airport and providing transportation to Tumbler Ridge.
Begin your path in reconnecting with Mother Earth in the Mountains of British Columbia at Tumbler Ridge in Norther Alberta.
The Earth is our sacred ground. Layered in the history of our forefathers and mothers. Let’s deep dive into her history with us as a people. Walking a path of enlightenment, awareness and understanding of the gifts she gives to us and the protection we need to instill in Mother earth in how we live.
Introductions and settling in Sunday June 4th: Packing up and leaving June 11th, 2023.
Schedule of day and events to be announced.
Events: Tentative
- Hiking and meditations in wilderness
- Shamanic Work: Boundaries: The Medicine Wheel: Earthing
- Working with the Elementals and Fairie Realms
- Working with Lay Lines and Portals
- Sacred Geometry
- Soul Work and Soul Retrieval
- Reincarnation
- Honoring the Ancestors: The Elements The Quarters
- Drumming Ceremonies
- Animal Guides:
- Celtic Work The Wheel of the Year and Pagan practices.
- Earth and her energies.
Extra Activities: To be announced: Yoga; Walking meditation, centering of self.
Psychic Intuitive Development: Level 3 is in this Level: Certification