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May's Astrological Journey

May Astrological Journey



We’ve been in a bit of a washing machine energy of late. With the Eclipse energy, Mercury retrograde, and Jupiter’s exciting Uranian energy.

May will take us into a different energy. The tides begin to shift. The waters begin to calm, and solutions seem to rise to the top as the agitating energy dissipates.

May is a rather delightful month. Bringing a freshness to a rather dreary energy of late. It is sure to spur us forward in a swift way as we rise into the Air element and breath some fresh air. It’s full of new ideas, lots of travel plans or educational pursuits. Finding solutions to problems in the most unique ways.


We are full of energy as Mars enters his own sign of Aries when the month opens. This is the spark that lights the fire. Giving rise to new projects. Initiating activity related to what we seek to personally achieve this month. Giving us courage to step up and begin what we didn’t have the ability to initiate previously. We were just contemplating our next moves in April. Now we can begin to seize upon the opportunities we imagined for ourselves. We’ve been through the doubt, the illusions. Now, we will just begin. This creates the first shift that takes place in May. It’s full of the me energy. With what makes you the individual you are.


The excitement of Pluto is highlighted early in the month. Newly in the sign of Aquarius and sitting still in the night skies as he prepares to station retrograde at 2 degrees of the sign. This will bring the intensity of Pluto’s transformational energy to be highlighted. Making us feel as though we need to take a stand for something. This can elicit further protests. Promoting change as people gather within a community-based model to make their position known. We as individuals can also be seeking to make changes within our lives. Joining several groups, classes or creating our own little group of comrades in arms. As Pluto moves backwards, we can see a review of various circumstances within our lives, as those in positions of power reconsider the repercussions of what actions they are taking can have on humanity. Issues surrounding environmental, financial or wealth management. Progress slowly until you feel comfortable with, the changes you are implementing.


At the same time, Neptune the planet of illusions, faith and beliefs is reaching the end of his rope. Neptune hits the 29th degree point of Pisces. This is of prime importance, as Neptune seeks a new faith or belief system, yet the old one is not completed. This is significant, as we end something and yet, seek to birth something. Pisces is naturally the last sign in the zodiac and the 29th degree the last degree before a new energy emerges. A double ending and a double birthing process. Neptune is waiting for Saturn to catch up as they will both make entrance to 00 degrees of Aries at the same time in 2026. This is the month, where we need to pay attention to what is manifesting and what is ending.

This degree is known as the Anaretic degree. It has defective vision. It’s a week-tired energy. Needing to rest, re-evaluate and assimilate the new and the old together. Which causes shifts in our perspective. Causing us to become extreme in our thoughts and actions. Everything can seem a little off center. Smoke and mirror effects. Conspiracy theories, issues that are hard to grasp, yet we feel we need to resolve in some manner. There is a sense of urgency or that a crisis is forming and that we need to end the thing before it gets’ worse.

This degree resides at the fixed star of Scheat, which is one of the fixed stars of Pegasus. Here we are searching for the truth, according to Bernadette Brady. It can bring us to awareness and a knowing of what is transpiring. Seeking rational intellectual application to problems due to the square energy here. Yet it is not controlled dictated thinking, but rather challenging the logic behind what we are doing or saying. Promoting free expression of our perspectives. This will bring about a lot of insight where secret knowledge emerges. National secrets emerge and like Pegasus people can indeed fall. It can cause marine difficulties. Ocean issues as well. The energy of, “Oh Shit”.


Just prior to the New Moon on May 6th, Saturn in Pisces will semi-square Pluto in Aquarius. With Pluto newly in Aquarius, we seek people, coming together, especially younger individuals. There is a need to break down elements from the past 14 years. Control issues are prominently displayed here. Saturn forms the boundaries between acceptability and out of control. Pluto also is a bit of a control freak. Each can cage, trap, and contain something. Yet, Pluto’s energy here is seeking control or dominance through the energy of Aquarius. To detach, free through the collection of the many, standing up and seeking to dominate or control. Saturn will struggle with this concept of transference of power. Creating a vacuum effect through the semi-square. Saturn in Pisces doesn’t really know what to do, as they don’t know where the boundaries of acceptability are. Relying totally on instinct. Ideologies and belief systems emerge here. The ruler of Pisces is now also defected at the 29th degree. Making things murky, muddy, and unclear. Things, which are simply a minor problem get blown out of proportion. People begin to use tactics such as manipulation to confuse the situations even further. Even though the actions are meant to control the situations. This can cause disruptions within society that are harsh or uncalled for. On a personal level, things can become distorted, and difficulties can arise, as you try to straighten out a bizarre situation.

On the exact same day, Mercury will make his last connection with Chiron. As he has done March 21st & April 15. Eliciting a discussion on how we can resolve personal issues to stepping past old wounds that seem to plague us from moving on. Either we will accept them for what they are, or we will find solutions to resolve them rather than just putting a band aid on them. These issues could stem from a childhood issue or from a past life. A thing or problem that we just can’t seem to hurdle over. Some of you could have sought out guidance from therapies, spiritual guides, or other forms of consultation over the past month or so. We are ready here to reflect and take a good look at our own actions and how we are contributing to the issues in our lives.


The New Moon rises on the 7th of May at the 18th degree of Taurus. Smack dab between Venus and Uranus/Jupiter. Triggering the previous Uranus/Jupiter conjunction of April 20th. This energy signal’s new themes emerging as we discover advances within the systems of life. New inventions, technologies, agricultural techniques, or scientific breakthroughs. Yet, Taurus seeks the comforts of stability and can be rather stubborn to not just change for the sake of changing when something seems to be flowing along just fine. In this we could feel a little stuck. It’s a very concentrated Moon energy, as we plant the seeds of long-term stability. Hanging on to old systems that will anchor us to the future development. Announcements of investments into these technologies is highlighted. That yes, in the future we will move towards these evolutionary shifts, but for now, it’s just in the infancy stage of development. Venus in her own sign of Taurus, certainly promises organization and directive or control of seeing the slow progression of advancements. We are nourishing the seeds at this point to capitalize on some of the newness that is coming on board. This New Moon sextiles Saturn, giving clarity to a dream to our effective grounding the dream into reality.


Shortly after this Moon, Mercury will make his last connection to Eris. Having previously joined her on March 26th, and April 9th. This is loud and bold conversations about sovereignty, independence, and individuality of self expression. The right to exist and be heard. Not to be excluded or left out due to being a certain religion, race, or sex. The drums beat here for inclusion.


The Sun joins with Uranus by the 13th, burning up old thought processes. Expect some new sparks to trigger new initiatives that are unusual or unique in their application. Science is highlighted here along with technologies. Things are in fast motion as we jump a frequency or two. A new interest, friends or acquaintances emerge. Things are unpredictable, as we bring in new energies. Shifting our momentum as we realize there is really nothing hindering our progress. Jumping Quantum fields.


Come May 16th, Mercury slugs into Taurus. Redirecting our attention to the materialistic side of life. Questioning whether all our needs are being met. If the desires we’ve envisioned have arrived. Making plans and saving up for those things we’ve wished for. This can seem serious, until he ventures forth on June 3rd. This is an excellent opportunity to plan a budget, sort out financial issues. Redistribute things, we don’t really need as we sort out the material things we hold. It’s a good time for trade agreements, sharing resources and collaborating with a loved one. It can also produce agreements which are one sided. Greed could step in with opinionated points of view of how one shares. Hoarding and accumulating or spending just to make one feel good at the time


The above can be triggered as Venus the ruling planet of Taurus aligns with Uranus on the 17th of May. New interests emerge. We can suddenly be attracted to someone or something. A crush or desire to have something you’ve just run into. This creates sudden new interests or desires. This also triggers a need to socialize, be noticed for our originality as we seek excitement. Sudden purchasing of airline tickets, adventures or invitations to venues that are stimulating to the senses. Sudden engagements, marriages or relationship, hookups come about suddenly. Surprising both the people and persons involved. Watch your pocketbook, least you overspend on something that is simply out of reach. Take everything with a little grain of salt.

On the same day the Sun joins with Jupiter, producing a double whammy. Things are extravagantly expressed. Wanting to travel or explore new horizons. It’s all rather infectious as we join to enjoy. Yet, our ambitious side surfaces, pushing us to new heights, by expanding projects or goals. Governments could be investing in large projects. We could feel a little exhausted here, so get plenty of rest.


Mars joins with the North Node come the 19th. Sending us in new directions as we push to see our own agendas realized. It could all seem very selfish behaviour. Pushing others to approve in our new journey. We can be swept along with our passions hitting new highs. One needs to watch for new actions or rules being implemented. Fighting for Rights.


Things begin to move very swiftly as the Sun shifts into the sign of Gemini. Sending us up into our minds. As usual, we can become very busy at this time of year. Going here and there and everywhere as we prepare to plant garden’s, clean up back yards and venture forward to make summer travel plans. It can be rather exhausting as we seek to socialize and connect with too many all at the same time. This is also a time of study, seeking out new information, attending seminars, or enrolling in a new course or writing those exams


Things come up roses as May 23rd connects with several positive points between planets.  First the Full Moon greets us in the sign of Sagittarius. Lifting our optimism right away. We are enthusiastic as we venture into new territory. Travel is highlighted, with a desire to get out and explore our options. The timing maybe off though and doubt sets in as Venus joins with Jupiter at the 29th degree. It’s too overpowering to resist though. The Sun trine to Pluto and the Moon’s sextile to Pluto makes it work. We’re pretty determined to attain our desires. Might be a little costly though. This is the foresight to see into the future for possibilities down the road. It’s magical Full Moon energy with so many opportunities. Venus/Jupiter sextile Neptune, producing visions or dreams. Expanding the imagination and opening new doors of thought. It’s enlightening as we realize that we are not limited to the here and now. There is lots of creative energy manifesting. Donating for more compassionate issues. People are sensitive to the plight of others, which enables us to find solutions to various problems. Some of you could really hit the jackpot as this is a lucky aspect for love and money. New inspirational ideas begin to burst forth. New connections and group associations.

Jupiter’s sextile to Neptune is a highly creative energy. Giving rise to lofty ideas, imaginative pursuits, and expansive beliefs. There is an emotional investment here. Capitalizing on sympathy or compassion to draw opportunity. This is highly artistic, with new fashion, music, or spiritual interests. A new wave of beliefs can emerge as we seek the truth.


As predicted, Venus moves into the sign of Gemini by the 24th. Venus here is very chatty. Alluring others by giving them the insight and information. We’re eager to connect. Social activities or gatherings are enhanced. Lots of invitations are indicated. The mind is adaptable to different perspectives as we delve into different subjects. One needs to be cautious about gossiping overly much.


Especially since Jupiter will make his entrance into Gemini. Leaving the earth behind as he jumps into air. There is a love of movement with this new shift taking place. A need to get from point A to point B in a big way. Expect some significant announcements for travel such as railways or high-speed train systems. People will once again be intrigued, with books, theories, writing or study of some kind. Elementary schools can see huge financial gains as children’s educational needs are looked at. There is a need to share information, especially through the advancement or expansion of social media groups. We will need to watch for over exaggerations, needing to keep things in a realistic framework or that we promise more than we can deliver as Jupiter is in his detriment. We can produce something out of thin air, but perhaps it doesn’t really exist. Creating gossip. Certain things will catch on that everyone begins to do.  We need stimulation, through intellectual curiosity. Friends, acquaintances, or partnerships move through quickly. Superficial knowledge bordering on lies.


Things just seem to fall into place with this energy. A great time to organize, find solutions too or that someone brings these ideologies to you. A clear understanding and effective communication. Signing contracts, making agreements or trade agreements emerge constructive.


This connection first appeared on February 6th of 2024.  There is a desire here to create order out of chaos. Doing it through the concepts of looking at things through a new perspective. Discovering the patterns or structures of things, which bring things into unison. Finding solutions to various difficulties. There is an awareness of conflicts or problems and then finding the pattern to fix it, that liberates everyone. An appreciation for new perspectives that seem odd or bizarre to others. The keen awareness of artistic styles, political or social systems leads to change in the most unique ways. We can be powerfully driven here to find what we seek. The light bulb goes on. There are incredible talents emerging, with deep compulsions or uncontrollable behaviours.


Through the Mercury retrograde, the little Hermes connected with Chiron three times. This gave deep thought to finding solutions to inner healing. It was personal as we delved into our own inner workings for a change. Making decisions that were to come, that would change the course of how we react to our own inner wounds. With Mars joining Chiron, it’s the perfect time to put these thoughts into action. Implementing decisions, we have made over the course of the last couple months.

With this energy, we also have unusual ways to implement these practices. Seeking liberation in expressing our thoughts can give rise to insightful ways to see things from new viewpoints. Expect to be enlightened or inspired by someone’s words. Interesting news can be coming into the world.


May is a rather delightful month. As the energy shifts, we can feel more energized with all the air energy coming towards us. We are motivated by new thoughts, information or agreements which are exciting.


Spiritual Journey with Colleen Jorgensen