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The Journey -  Guided Readings

The Readings

All Readings are done via Live, Zoom, Facetime or Phone consultations. Pre-booking is required, along with prepayment. Choose what resonates with you in discovering your Journey forward.

Join me in discovering your Journey. The path that sets your course in life and the timing of when things begin and end. We are all on a Journey, each with its own ups and downs. Everything in the Universe revolves around you. Making you unique to your own set of circumstances. In the wheel of life, I use the integrated patterns woven around you through the planetary connections and the signatures that are specifically yours. This is to discover what lies ahead, becoming more insightfully aware of your Journey, in the understanding of you and how you interact within your world.

In working with you, I also connect with Spirit intuitively and through psychic connections as they reach from beyond to guide you on your Journey. We often don’t pay attention to the synchronicities or the clues they give us. Through my connection, I can give you insightful messages from Spirit.

Astro-Tarot Journey:

CAD 12O/ Hour
CAD 2OO/ Two Hours

This is the most popular reading. I use the ancient form of Astrology to answer your questions.

First, I weave the planetary connections through Astrology to map out what is happening now and where you are going in the future.

Then, through the Tarot Cards, the reading is enhanced to pick up anything spirit wishes to address.

This reading is comprehensive in that it covers all areas of life—self, Relationships, Financial, Travel, Education, Friends, Home & Family and much more.


Tarot Readings:

CAD 12O.OO/Hour

Join me in working with Spirit to answer a primary question.

We will work through past, present and future possibilities. Specifically heading towards the outcome.

It’s a Spiritual Journey we take with each other—psychic messages through spiritual connections.



Horary Astrological Journey:

CAD 180.00
Approximate Time: One and half hours

Do you have a burning question you just need answering? You struggle with and need to know a single thing before you can move forward. Horary is an ancient practice whereby a question is asked, and an answer is given. In addition, the person involved, along with the various circumstances, will be included in the reading. Depending on the circumstances, the question may not be suitable to answer or may be premature.


A Judicial Journey:

Approximate Time: Two hours

Similar to Horary, this reading involves situations where the client has problems or issues surrounding the legal system. The question is specific to problems concerning challenges between conflicting issues and views, which have now progressed to the legal system. This can surround a divorce, child custody, and property disputes alongside other difficulties.


Natal Astrological Journey:

Approximate Time: Two hours

We are all born with a mapping of our lives. Setting up an Astrological chart at the time of your birth. Through this reading, you can understand your patterns of behavior, your identity and why you keep repeating certain situations in life. This reading gives you a greater understanding of who you are and how you interface with the world around you. Who you attract, your chosen career, and how you manage financial situations. This chart is the backbone behind your Journey and is used extensively in the Astrological Journey.

Birthtime, Location of Birth, and Day of Birth required.


Progressed Astrological Journey:

Approximate Time: Two hours

We all progress through life. Running through various cycles that begin and end. New journeys appear as old Journeys end. We walk on new paths as we meet at the crossroads of life. This highlights what is happening in your life today. What issues surround you, and where are you heading in the future? Are there potential roadblocks, dead ends or clear sailing? This reading answers those burning questions of why—an Enlightening Journey.

Birthtime, Location of Birth, and Day of Birth required.


Solar Chart Astrological Journey:

Approximate Time: Two hours

A Solar Chart Reading encompasses a set period of time from one birthday to the next. The dial is reset when your Sun returns to its natal position—setting the course for a new Journey to begin each year. This highlights what areas of life you will be focused on. What are your main themes, and who is involved in life dramas? Will you change jobs, meet someone or buy a new home?

Birthtime, Location of Birth, and Day of Birth required.


A Compatibility Journey: A Coupleā€™s Reading

Approximate Time: Two hours

Did you ever wonder if you are in sync with your partner? Are you the right fit? Do you blend well, and will the relationship last? These are important questions we need to ask and know if we are getting involved. Perhaps you are already involved and need some guidance into problems that are arising. Journey into each other and find out if you are both moving in the same direction.

Birthtime, Location of Birth and Day of Birth is required for both people.


A Medium Reading: Journey to Connect

Duration is sensitive to Spiritual Connection: This reading is by specific request only.

Have you lost a loved one and sought to connect and discover what has happened? Are they ok? Are they safe? Do you need reassurance, comfort or answers to a specific question? Is there a message you wish to know, or if they are still around you and for how long? What happens when they pass over, and where are they? When a loved one passes, there can be lingering issues that need to be addressed. This is your opportunity to hear messages from your loved one.