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September Astrological Journey



The years travel quickly. Too quickly as we age. Time just travels on without care or reason for anyone or anything. 

September is the wind down. As we head towards the dark half of the year. A new beginning for some, and endings for others. It’s a bit of a relief in some ways due to the retrograde of Venus and her review of what we adore and what we find distasteful, finally turning around. Mercury also will head forwards by Sept 16th. Everything reflects something, as we search for deeper meaning within our lives. Take note this month. 


The planet of love, lust, and attraction remains a key player in the months journey. Reconnecting with various partners she has danced with since June. Yet, September will be a month to acknowledge the path forward. Keeping some and releasing others. Themes of partnerships, relationships, and the financial connections we have with one another and ourselves gives us more clarity. Straightening out mishaps, misunderstandings, or misinterpretations of events. 

Mercury is also retrograde and will be shifting directions. Entering the Sun’s rays to change our perspective. Positive energy rides with this reverse station as he contacts Jupiter and eventually Uranus.

Somewhat reminds me of the mirrors in the water. Two parallels of the same, yet quite different. Looking back and forward at the same time. September is a time to rewind and restore our balance through organization as Virgo plays a prominent role. Separating the chaff from the wheat. Harvesting the bounty of our toil through the summer months. Reaping the wonders of what we have sown. Virgo is also about ancient wisdom, to hang, dry and keep the wisdom within the herbs we will need during the dark days of winter. Clearing the cobwebs and dusting off the debris that has collected over time. Keeping busy as we plan the events and programs, we so desire to make ourselves feel useful and vibrant with life. 




This is good news that may contain the various wildfires raging across various parts of Canada. Clearing out and assessing the cost of such events. She has been retrograding since July 23rd and will move out of her shadow on October 7th. She last seen 12 degrees on June 12th. She is now a morning star, rising in the east. Here she is a warrior, fresh, transformed and rejuvenated from her 40-day journey. New trends will begin to emerge. Fashion and style often change here. What we desire to spend our hard-earned money on shifts in perspective. What we value, or who we desire to be engaged with is altered. Likes and dislikes move out of our sphere of interest.

Mercury is also playing a key role, as he is also retrograde in his own sign of Virgo. Shifting direction on August 24th at 21 degrees. He is optimistic here, having already connected with Jupiter on August 9th. Now on September 4th, we see his second pass with the optimism of Jupiter. Reflecting back through the rear-view mirror at our exaggerations, exasperations of what we need within our lives Bigger and better or less and simpler. Virgo seeks to simplify, sort through, and retain nothing but the best even if it is less, but better quality. This can bring good news to bear. Legalities or court decisions to emerge. The truth is apparent.


All things Jupiter are highlighted in the first week of September. To face the truth is one connection to this powerhouse of a planet shifting gears. You may want to consider what is staring you right in the face, but you have refused to look at it with clarity. Jupiter magnifies things with laser precision. Various facts due to Mercury’s attentiveness, brings out the imperfections within the system. A review of various legal situations can be stalled in the court system as various information begins to emerge. Our beliefs in what is ethical or morally correct seems of more importance now just as our values shift.


This is the inferior conjunction with the Sun.  Mercury’s thoughts are burned up by the Sun’s heat. This can shift our perspective as added information comes to light. This is a good day to speak your mind. Make sense of things and plan your next moves. As you turn, you can realize some break throughs in decision making. Deeper truths hide under the consciousness of everyday life. It’s here that we can use our awareness in instinctively knowing what to do next.


This is a fortunate connection. Lighting up our instincts of persuasion. Giving us a feeling of optimism. Good luck may ride with you here, especially if you are a Virgo, Taurus. As well as Capricorn. Bonuses, enrichment. This can also signal a time of further investments from leaders into the sciences, research, or legal systems. Along with investments in social policies for advancing the needs of the poor through services.


As we begin to let go of the summer’s rays. We are greeted with a fresh Moon to start the darkening season. There seems to be lots of opportunities here. As we plug into the energies of the universe with the Grand Trine/Kite aspect. The New Moon is only 1 degree from exact with Uranus, also breaking down the events into smaller pieces where we can handle them. Better equipped to manage the chaos. Virgo loves to narrow things down into one piece at a time until everything is done. This can give us enlightenment into the aspects of our lives which seem chaotic. This Moon also trines Pluto, giving us the will power and determination to begin a new project. Controlled, and well-funded or the potential of a large windfall from our efforts. The Kite, contains Neptune at its base, reflecting our dreams, aspirations, or desires. The unimaginable comes into view. Potential is unleashed through creativity and ventures into the unknown. 

Since the Moon’s have just flipped over, this all seems as though anything is possible if we put our imagination into it. Giving us enlightenment and endurance to finish the task at hand.


It’s always a relief when Mercury goes direct motion. Unless of course you are the kinda person who has Mercury retro in your charts. Mercury is stationing just as the New Moon plunges into the darkness. Threading a new needle of life. Fresh ideas emerge to solve the riddles you have been struggling with. Things begin to unwind as the mind refocuses outward. We can zero in on what activities we genuinely want to partake in this fall season. Mercury here is the metal awareness of things. Not so much the feeling. Do your research and explore your options. Getting yourself out of the rut is easier as Mercury stations here.


Wow, we can really be on top of the Moon here. This is very insightful energy. Producing a creative spark to flourish and grow. Expect some scientific breakthroughs. New developments in AI or technologies. Space travel or experiments in new DNA platforms. New interests in astrology or foreign life on other planets. Aliens?


Venus has been locking horns with Jupiter since June. Challenging us to figure out what is worth the effort to retain or to accomplish. This usually spells overspending whether you sought to do so or not. It could have caused over exaggerations within relationships. Sending some of us out the door into someone else’s arms. The cost of living kept rising, bankrupting us out of house and home. Reeling inflation causing interest rates to climb. Thanks goodness we are seeing the last of this drama. Some of us are exhausted, drained, and needing some much-earned rest and relaxation. Watch the cost though, it might be out of your price range. We hate to go without as this aspect comes, yet the bills could suddenly roll in and cause a bit of a panic. Whereby we blame others rather than take any responsibility into our own accounting.


Just as we are ready to make the shift into the Fall Season. The Sun decides to take some control back and connects with the might of Pluto. Pluto is in retrograde station, bringing up old haunts before the witching season is upon us. This is a great aspect to dig a little deeper in discovering what you really want to accomplish. It gives us the power of recuperation, rejuvenation, and revitalization. This is an aspect of healing, purification, and detoxification. So, you know what to do folks. Change that diet, hit the mats, take up walking, swimming, or running. Figure out a schedule and get with a program. You’ve set your sites on new accomplishments or goals as well.


A new season is upon us, and the dark year is now approaching. This is the time when the Sun is heading south and rides at the equator. Making the Sun lay flat on the horizon, bringing longer Sunrises and Sunsets. The Sun now enters the sign of Libra. Seeking balance and equilibrium. A time to seek compromise and fairness so we all can survive the long winter months. This is the season to store up your wares. Connect with your neighbours to ensure security and safety. The day and night are of equal value here, where we work as equals. Giving and receiving to ensure we all have enough. The harvest is shared as we feast together. 

Libra is also a time of truth, justice, and fairness. Holding the scales of justice. A time of socializing and taking the time for one another. Lunches, coffee dates and companionship.


Indeed, it’s a fresh start, as we close the month in the exhilarating sign of Aries. New invigorating projects emerge as we pass the torch from light to dark. Aries is a pioneering sign. Initiating activities and promoting self-interests to emerge. We will feel the need to partner up or be dealing with the ending of various partnerships due to Mars being so close to the South Node. Mars here challenges us to step up and be counted, yet it holds back and wants someone else to make the decisions, as to not to cause disruptions. Venus of course takes the helm, now once again in direct square with Uranus. Challenging us to change. Become more aware and consciously awake in our lives. This is a very disruptive energy, that forces us to move on in a new direction. Pick up the pieces. Unwind from the past and build again in a new way. It sparks life in the mist of tragedies. It desires for something different. Unusual or interesting through the chaos. It’s determined to have its way, as it breaks from tradition to open new doors of invention.  

The old flames are withering and dying now, as new life emerges on the ashes of what was. We are ready to move on. Unwind and Release.

Change is coming fast as we approach October and Eclipse Season. 


Spiritual Journey with Colleen Jorgensen